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2024 North Dakota State Fair - FFA

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Viewing records 16701-16750 of 17130
Results last updated at: 01/15/2025 10:27 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Livestock / Goats - Commercial Does & Market Goats / 21: Market Doe, less than year old with milk teeth
2107 Hagen, Gracie 9099 Blue 3rd Maddock A.S. Gibbens FFA
2997 Dohrman, Ian 10971 Blue 1st Dickinson FFA
3135 Wendel, Ryder 12925 Blue 4th LaMoure FFA
3239 Ouradnik, Jett 13818 Overall Grand Champion Bowman County FFA
3239 Ouradnik, Jett 13818 Blue 1st Bowman County FFA
715 Feiring, Harley 13864 Overall Reserve Champion Golden Valley County FFA
715 Feiring, Harley 13864 Blue 2nd Golden Valley County FFA
1137 Schwab, Ethan 14524 Blue 2nd Lisbon FFA
Livestock / Goats - Commercial Does & Market Goats / 22: Market Wether, less than a year old with milk teeth.
2070 Zenker, Kamryn 6885 Blue 3rd Grant Flasher FFA
2258 Steeke, Lillian 10884 Overall Breed Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Champion Scranton FFA
2258 Steeke, Lillian 10884 Blue 2nd Scranton FFA
3052 Becker, Natalee 11205 Blue 6th South Prairie FFA
3135 Wendel, Ryder 12926 Blue 3rd LaMoure FFA
3135 Wendel, Ryder 12927 Blue 4th LaMoure FFA
2687 Janikowski, Reece 13849 Blue 2nd Bowman Bowman County FFA
715 Feiring, Harley 13865 Blue 1st Golden Valley County FFA
3326 Lyons, Samantha 14529 Overall Breed Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion Lisbon FFA
3326 Lyons, Samantha 14529 Blue 1st Lisbon FFA
1248 Kersten, Danny 16261 Blue 4th Max FFA
3827 Schauer, Kortney 18452 Blue 5th Adams Hettinger FFA
Livestock / Goats - Dairy / 31: Doe born on or after March 1
3506 Abraham, Amelia 16993 Blue 1st Griggs County Central FFA
3506 Abraham, Amelia 17000 Blue 3rd Griggs County Central FFA
3582 Abraham, Maddie 17017 Blue 2nd Griggs County Central FFA
Livestock / Goats - Dairy / 34: Yearling Doe born Aug. - July
2259 Monson, Macy 7911 Overall Breed Reserve Champion Ashley FFA
2259 Monson, Macy 7911 Blue 1st Ashley FFA
Livestock / Goats - Dairy / 35: Milker, under 2 years old
2259 Monson, Macy 13821 Overall Breed Grand Champion Ashley FFA
2259 Monson, Macy 13821 Blue 1st Ashley FFA
Livestock / Goats - Dairy / 36: Milker, 2 years old
3506 Abraham, Amelia 16991 Overall Breed Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion Griggs County Central FFA
3506 Abraham, Amelia 16991 Blue 1st Griggs County Central FFA
3582 Abraham, Maddie 17018 Overall Breed Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Champion Griggs County Central FFA
3582 Abraham, Maddie 17018 Blue 2nd Griggs County Central FFA
2657 Gauthier, Sereiba 17883 Overall Breed Grand Champion Stanley FFA
2657 Gauthier, Sereiba 17883 Blue 1st Stanley FFA
Livestock / Goats - Dairy / 37: Milker, 3 & 4 years old
2260 Monson, Megan 7915 Overall Breed Grand Champion Ashley FFA
2260 Monson, Megan 7915 Blue 1st Ashley FFA
Livestock / Goats - Dairy / 40: Buck up to 1 yr, born Aug or later
2260 Monson, Megan 7914 Overall Breed Grand Champion Ashley FFA
2260 Monson, Megan 7914 Blue 1st Ashley FFA
Livestock / Goats - Registered Meat or Hair / 11: Doe born on or after March 1
1091 Fleck, Alexis 8847 Blue 1st Lisbon FFA
3139 Robbins, Addie 17237 Blue 2nd LaMoure FFA
3583 Robbins, Mollie 17252 Blue 1st LaMoure FFA
Livestock / Goats - Registered Meat or Hair / 12: Doe born January through Feb.
3052 Becker, Natalee 11193 Overall Breed Grand Champion South Prairie FFA
3052 Becker, Natalee 11193 Blue 1st South Prairie FFA
2535 Solemsaas, Lilly 13992 Overall Breed Reserve Champion Mohall FFA
2535 Solemsaas, Lilly 13992 Blue 2nd Mohall FFA
3 Schmidt, Rachel 15604 Blue 4th Center FFA
3503 Heberlie, Martin 16248 Blue 1st Ward Berthold FFA
3139 Robbins, Addie 17236 Blue 5th LaMoure FFA
3583 Robbins, Mollie 17251 Blue 3rd LaMoure FFA
Livestock / Goats - Registered Meat or Hair / 13: Doe born August through Dec.
3174 Schmidt, Mariah 13328 Overall Breed Grand Champion Beulah FFA
3174 Schmidt, Mariah 13328 Blue 1st Beulah FFA